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Amharic Words

Showing all 23 words from our word list for Amharic. Explore all the languages too! Can also go back to the Amharic phonology.

kObob starኮኮብkọbob
tx05i5nk93i5llat skullጭንቅላትtx̖i̖nk̖i̖llat
tx05i5s smokeጭስtx̖i̖s
t05ena healthጤናt̖ena
bi5tx05a yellowብጫbi̖tx̖a
g55addUnn3a friendጓደኛgẇaddụnnẏa
yi5hi5ttx thisይህችyi̖hi̖ttx
t05at fingerጣትt̖at
di5mmUt catድመትdi̖mmụt
ruttx05a act of runningሩጫruttx̖a
mi5rtx05a choice/optionምርጫmi̖rtx̖a
tx5UrUk93a moonጨረቃtxẏụrụk̖a
bUt05a9t05is sweet potatoበጣጢስbụt̖ȧt̖is
k93i95t05i5l leafቅጠልk̖ï̖t̖i̖l
hi5gg a lawህግhi̖gg
t05ub brick/tileጡብt̖ub
t05UrU9pp93eza tableጠረጴዛt̖ụrụ̇pp̀eza
tx05Uw saltጨውtx̖ụw
t05i5bUb ability/skillጥበብt̖i̖bụb
ts93Uhay sunፀሐይts̀ụhay
t05Ukur blackጥቁርt̖ụkur
t05Utt05a to drinkጠጣt̖ụtt̖a
muxi5rra wedderሙሽራmuxi̖rra