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Danish Words

Showing all 18 words from our word list for Danish. Explore all the languages too! Can also go back to the Danish phonology.

a5r earørea̖r
l1fd airluftlo̖fd
le%bU liplæbelēbụ
a5l beerøla̖l
dra5p%U dropdråbedra̖pḥụ
t1 toeto̖
E%blU appleæbleẹ̄blụ
sl1 beatslåslo̖
E%CU to eatædeẹ̄çụ
a5m tenderøma̖m
h1l holehulho̖l
hUn' handhåndhụn'
la5bU runløbela̖bụ
Ed^0sU etchætseẹdh̬sụ
t1jU fogtågeto̖jụ
ma5trk nutmøtrikma̖trk
fOyl birdfuglfọyl
e5sd^0 eastøste̖sdh̬