Showing all 68 words from our word list for English. Explore all the languages too! Can also go back to the English phonology.
The English dialect we use is General American, mainly from California, not British English unless specifically stated.
not | note | note | not |
faOnde9Ixn | foundation | foundation | faọndėịxn |
xIp | ship | ship | xịp |
wa9y2 | wire | wire | wȧyu̖ |
A9ksEs | access | access | ạ̇ksẹs |
fayr | fire | fire | fayr |
kUnsE9ptxuwUlayz | conceptualize | conceptualize | kụnsẹ̇ptxuwụlayz |
dAnts | dance | dance | dạnts |
kreIv | crave | crave | kreịv |
deIt | date | date | deịt |
deI | day | day | deị |
dOsa9yd | decide | decide | dọsȧyd |
zum | zoom | zoom | zum |
diko9d | decode | decode | dikȯd |
yard | yard | yard | yard |
krie9It | create | create | kriėịt |
hay | hi | hi | hay |
kAt | cat | cat | kạt |
sik | seek | seek | sik |
bo2d | board | board | bou̖d |
kuwl | cool | cool | kuwl |
bOk | book | book | bọk |
bO2c | birth | birth | bọu̖c |
fe9ImIs | famous | famous | fėịmịs |
ma2k | mark | mark | mau̖k |
hil | heal | heal | hil |
kal | call | call | kal |
bOli9v | believe | believe | bọlïv |
kOntrA9st | contrast | contrast | kọntrạ̇st |
mE9j2 | measure | measure | mẹ̇ju̖ |
mAgnI9fIsInt | magnificent | magnificent | mạgnïfịsịnt |
cor | thor | thor | cor |
vayb | vibe | vibe | vayb |
byu9tUfUl | beautiful | beautiful | byu̇tụfụl |
gIft | gift | gift | gịft |
lUv | love | love | lụv |
Abno92mUl | abnormal | abnormal | ạbnȯu̖mụl |
fE9lo | fellow | fellow | fẹ̇lo |
CIs | this | this | çịs |
dE9mOnstreIt | demonstrate | demonstrate | dẹ̇mọnstreịt |
blo | blow | blow | blo |
did | deed | deed | did |
klAud | cloud | cloud | klạud |
sUfI9stUkeIdId | sophisticated | sophisticated | sụfïstụkeịdịd |
bAnd | band | band | bạnd |
tul | tool | tool | tul |
wI9zdUm | wisdom | wisdom | wïzdụm |
Utxi9v | achieve | achieve | ụtxïv |
sp2iq | spring | spring | spu̖iq |
sinyo92Iti | seniority | seniority | sinyȯu̖ịti |
siq | sing | sing | siq |
meIk | make | make | meịk |
blUd | blood | blood | blụd |
weIv | wave | wave | weịv |
bigI9n | begin | begin | bigïn |
sit | seat | seat | sit |
pleI | play | play | pleị |
2OpE92 | repair | repair | u̖ọpẹ̇u̖ |
wOd | would | would | wọd |
taym | time | time | taym |
2e9IvOn | raven | raven | u̖ėịvọn |
zon | zone | zone | zon |
wolf | wolf | wolf | wolf |
kiq | king | king | kiq |
sol | soul | soul | sol |
rAt | rat | rat | rạt |
weIt | wait | wait | weịt |
blO2 | blur | blur | blọu̖ |