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sound guide

English Words

Showing all 68 words from our word list for English. Explore all the languages too! Can also go back to the English phonology.

The English dialect we use is General American, mainly from California, not British English unless specifically stated.

vayb vibevibevayb
zum zoomzoomzum
kUnsE9ptxuwUlayz conceptualizeconceptualizekụnsẹ̇ptxuwụlayz
did deeddeeddid
fayr firefirefayr
kOntrA9st contrastcontrastkọntrạ̇st
blUd bloodbloodblụd
taym timetimetaym
Abno92mUl abnormalabnormalạbnȯu̖mụl
Utxi9v achieveachieveụtxïv
kAt catcatkạt
ma2k markmarkmau̖k
krie9It createcreatekriėịt
sik seekseeksik
kiq kingkingkiq
hil healhealhil
deIt datedatedeịt
fE9lo fellowfellowfẹ̇lo
yard yardyardyard
bO2c birthbirthbọu̖c
not notenotenot
sol soulsoulsol
bOk bookbookbọk
sp2iq springspringspu̖iq
sUfI9stUkeIdId sophisticatedsophisticatedsụfïstụkeịdịd
faOnde9Ixn foundationfoundationfaọndėịxn
xIp shipshipxịp
blO2 blurblurblọu̖
blo blowblowblo
dOsa9yd decidedecidedọsȧyd
hay hihihay
mAgnI9fIsInt magnificentmagnificentmạgnïfịsịnt
wolf wolfwolfwolf
2OpE92 repairrepairu̖ọpẹ̇u̖
fe9ImIs famousfamousfėịmịs
kuwl coolcoolkuwl
bigI9n beginbeginbigïn
wI9zdUm wisdomwisdomwïzdụm
diko9d decodedecodedikȯd
pleI playplaypleị
weIt waitwaitweịt
wOd wouldwouldwọd
lUv lovelovelụv
2e9IvOn ravenravenu̖ėịvọn
byu9tUfUl beautifulbeautifulbyu̇tụfụl
mE9j2 measuremeasuremẹ̇ju̖
bo2d boardboardbou̖d
rAt ratratrạt
deI daydaydeị
wa9y2 wirewirewȧyu̖
A9ksEs accessaccessạ̇ksẹs
meIk makemakemeịk
sinyo92Iti senioritysenioritysinyȯu̖ịti
klAud cloudcloudklạud
sit seatseatsit
bAnd bandbandbạnd
zon zonezonezon
CIs thisthisçịs
kreIv cravecravekreịv
gIft giftgiftgịft
cor thorthorcor
dE9mOnstreIt demonstratedemonstratedẹ̇mọnstreịt
kal callcallkal
dAnts dancedancedạnts
weIv wavewaveweịv
siq singsingsiq
bOli9v believebelievebọlïv
tul tooltooltul