Showing all 65 words from our word list for Navajo. Explore all the languages too! Can also go back to the Navajo phonology.
to3kho0'I3 | petroleum | tókǫʼí | tòkho̰'ị̀ |
nI4s5tx^I%4s | wolverine | niłchiis | nị́ştxḥị́̄s |
a3tx^I%30h | nose | áchį́į́h | àtxḥị̰̀̄h |
s5e3'e3tsoh | rat | łéʼétsoh | şè'ètsoh |
na3xto3I3 | lynx | náshdóí | nàxtòị̀ |
ya3 | sky | yá | yà |
txI4x | medicine pouch | jish | txị́x |
tIpe3 | sheep (animal) | dibé | tịpè |
txa3tI3tlo30'II | wren (bird) | jádídlǫ́ʼii | txàtị̀tlò̰'ịị |
ats593a%3h | bottom | atłʼááh | atş̀à̄h |
s5I%30' | pet | łį́į́ʼ | şị̰̀̄' |
tx'ah | headwear | chʼah | tx'ah |
hak93e3I3 | one's kin | hakʼéí | hak̖èị̀ |
ak93o%30' | seed | akʼǫ́ǫ́ʼ | ak̖ò̰̄' |
Is5 | pine needle | ił | ịş |
ts93In | bone | tsʼin | ts̀ịn |
tx^I%3l | snowstorm | chííl | txḥị̀̄l |
t^a3ts5'IId | algae | tátłʼid | tḥàtş'ịịd |
s5ij | urine | łizh | şij |
tx^I4tI3 | car | chidí | txḥị́tị̀ |
na%4ta%30' | corn | naadą́ą́ʼ | ná̄tà̰̄' |
aka%0zIz | sleeve (of garment) | agąąziz | akā̰zịz |
I'I%3'a30 | sunset | iʼííʼą́ | ị'ị̀̄'à̰ |
hos5tx'I3'I3 | nettle | hołchʼíʼí | hoştx'ị̀'ị̀ |
tx0514x | bug | chʼosh | tx̖ó̖x |
kh5o40' | fire | kǫʼ | kḩó̰' |
t^e%3h | valley | tééh | tḥè̄h |
he%3s5 | package | hééł | hè̄ş |
wa%' | spinach | waaʼ | wā' |
ama3 | mother | amá | amà |
nI3s5tx05I4 | air/breeze | níłchʼi | nị̀ştx̖ị́ |
bIna%3' | acorn | binááʼ | bịnà̄' |
t^e%s5 | reed | teeł | tḥēş |
ka3a | crow caw | gáa | kàa |
ba%0s | hoop | bąąs | bā̰s |
tse%3h | elk | dzééh | tsè̄h |
tx^a%' | beaver | chaaʼ | txḥā' |
I%0'a0'I% | magpie | įįʼąʼii | ị̰̄'a̰'ị̄ |
yE3'i%4ts%oh5 | giant | yéʼiitsoh | yẹ̀'í̄tsḥoḩ |
ya%3j | little | yáázh | yà̄j |
so0' | star | sǫʼ | so̰' |
tx05I4l | vegetation | chʼil | tx̖ị́l |
k%E3ya4h | land/country | kéyah | kḥẹ̀yáh |
Ino3t05a%3h | deception | inótʼááh | ịnòt̖à̄h |
ndIk93a0' | cotton | ndikʼąʼ | ndịk̖a̰' |
tx05as5 | frog | chʼał | tx̖aş |
ts5'o%3s5 | rope (chord) | tłʼóół | tş'ò̄ş |
txo%4s5 | ball | jooł | txó̄ş |
ts93I3'I% | mosquito | tsʼíʼii | ts̀ị̀'ị̄ |
ta%30' | corn | dą́ą́ʼ | tà̰̄' |
s5I4ko4i%4 | white (color) | łigaii | şị́kóí̄ |
ts%E3 | rock/stone | tsé | tsḥẹ̀ |
mo3sI3 | cat | mósí | mòsị̀ |
ts593I3zI3 | goat | tłʼízí | tş̀ị̀zị̀ |
sI4s | belt | sis | sị́s |
as5nI%30' | center | ałnį́į́ʼ | aşnị̰̀̄' |
xa%30' | sunshine | shą́ą́ʼ | xà̰̄' |
th5I4n | ice/frost | tin | tḩị́n |
tI%3k93o0x | yeast | dííkʼǫsh | tị̀̄k̖o̰x |
tE%t^E%l | moose | deeteel | tẹ̄tḥẹ̄l |
na%4ye%3' | monster/foreign god | naayééʼ | ná̄yè̄' |
sa30 | old age | są́ | sà̰ |
e%3' | clothing | ééʼ | è̄' |
s5o%3' | fish | łóóʼ | şò̄' |
ta0 | spring (season) | dą | ta̰ |