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Navajo Words

Showing all 65 words from our word list for Navajo. Explore all the languages too! Can also go back to the Navajo phonology.

tx^I4tI3 cartxḥị́tị̀
k%E3ya4h land/countrykḥẹ̀yáh
hos5tx'I3'I3 nettlehoştx'ị̀'ị̀
tE%t^E%l moosetẹ̄tḥẹ̄l
ba%0s hoopbā̰s
t^a3ts5'IId algaetḥàtş'ịịd
txo%4s5 balltxó̄ş
na%4ye%3' monster/foreign godná̄yè̄'
to3kho0'I3 petroleumtòkho̰'ị̀
tI%3k93o0x yeasttị̀̄k̖o̰x
ya%3j littleyà̄j
Is5 pine needleịş
he%3s5 packagehè̄ş
as5nI%30' centeraşnị̰̀̄'
s5o%3' fishşò̄'
ts93I3'I% mosquitots̀ị̀'ị̄
na%4ta%30' cornná̄tà̰̄'
ta0 spring (season)ta̰
tIpe3 sheep (animal)tịpè
ats593a%3h bottomatş̀à̄h
tx^a%' beavertxḥā'
tx0514x bugtx̖ó̖x
nI3s5tx05I4 air/breezenị̀ştx̖ị́
ama3 motheramà
Ino3t05a%3h deceptionịnòt̖à̄h
ka3a crow cawkàa
tx^I%3l snowstormtxḥị̀̄l
ts5'o%3s5 rope (chord)tş'ò̄ş
bIna%3' acornbịnà̄'
s5e3'e3tsoh ratşè'ètsoh
aka%0zIz sleeve (of garment)akā̰zịz
ts%E3 rock/stonetsḥẹ̀
s5ij urineşij
I%0'a0'I% magpieị̰̄'a̰'ị̄
ta%30' corntà̰̄'
tx05as5 frogtx̖aş
kh5o40' firekḩó̰'
ts593I3zI3 goattş̀ị̀zị̀
yE3'i%4ts%oh5 giantyẹ̀'í̄tsḥoḩ
tx'ah headweartx'ah
a3tx^I%30h noseàtxḥị̰̀̄h
I'I%3'a30 sunsetị'ị̀̄'à̰
na3xto3I3 lynxnàxtòị̀
txa3tI3tlo30'II wren (bird)txàtị̀tlò̰'ịị
nI4s5tx^I%4s wolverinenị́ştxḥị́̄s
so0' starso̰'
t^e%3h valleytḥè̄h
ndIk93a0' cottonndịk̖a̰'
sI4s beltsị́s
hak93e3I3 one's kinhak̖èị̀
mo3sI3 catmòsị̀
ya3 skyyà
tse%3h elktsè̄h
t^e%s5 reedtḥēş
ak93o%30' seedak̖ò̰̄'
tx05I4l vegetationtx̖ị́l
s5I%30' petşị̰̀̄'
xa%30' sunshinexà̰̄'
e%3' clothingè̄'
ts93In bonets̀ịn
th5I4n ice/frosttḩị́n
s5I4ko4i%4 white (color)şị́kóí̄
wa%' spinachwā'
sa30 old agesà̰
txI4x medicine pouchtxị́x