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Welsh Words

Showing all 26 words from our word list for Welsh. Explore all the languages too! Can also go back to the Welsh phonology.

l^0avar vocalllafarl̥avar
fruui5c fruitffrwythfruui̖c
r%9af roperhaffr̊af
h5weh5 sixchwechḩweḩ
s5U9gad eyellygadşụ̇gad
trOm heavytrwmtrọm
glaswEl^0d grassglaswelltglaswẹl̥d
gwraig wifegwraiggwraig
plant childplantplant
l^01gEl^0 pocketllogelll̥o̖gẹl̥
gwees5d grassgwelltgweeşd
r%9isgl bark (of tree)rhisglr̊isgl
l^0e%ti%gar hospitablelletygarl̥ētīgar
gwla%d country/nationgwladgwlād
l^0i5uh5 snowdrift/snow dustlluwchl̥i̖uḩ
s5aas5 the otherllallşaaş
r%9U9vEC strange/oddrhyfeddr̊ụ̇vẹç
s51sd tailllostşo̖sd
hOi5ad duck (bird)hwyadhọi̖ad
r%9i5cr1 to rush/hurryrhuthror̊i̖cro̖
l^0I9ni5n string/cordllinynl̥ïni̖n
p%Usk1d fishpysgodpḥụsko̖d
saic sevensaithsaic
l^0i%v saw (tool)llifl̥īv
r%9Edi5n fernsrhedynr̊ẹdi̖n
tr1id foottroedtro̖id