
sound guide
intro words

The Hawaiian Language

Hawaiian is, in many ways, a simple language, in the sense that it uses very few consonants. However, it makes a good use of diphthongs / more complex vowel-blending, which we tried to capture some examples of. It also uses the glottal stop ''' quite a bit, and long vowels.

There is not much in terms of written Hawaiian content or word lists, Wikipedia is even pretty bare. But it is a nice sounding language with some interesting and useful features, so we included what little we could.

Consonant Phonology for Hawaiian

Here are the 10 fundamental consonants used when speaking Hawaiian.

For a complete list of possible consonants a human voice might make while speaking a natural language, check out the consonants page.

voiced nasal
quiet plosive
quiet non-sibilant fricative
voiced non-sibilant fricative
voiced tap
voiced lateral approximant

Vowel Phonology for Hawaiian

These are the 10 base vowels used when speaking Hawaiian.

Also, a complete list of possible vowels a human voice might make while speaking can be found here.

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